Kayinat kee her she' ko jode' main bnaya gaya hai (each and everything in this Universe is created in pairs).So it is obvious that spirit should also have its partner. Who is it? Maybe our body, a mixture of sand and clay. It is very well-known that elements of pairs attract each other, like two opposite charges(+ and -). So our body and our spirit should attract each other all the time, but this is not the case. People who love Allah and His Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. think differently. You would find in most of their writings saying that they feel sometimes that their spirit wants to see and meet its Creator. In other words, spirit is attracted to its Creator.
It can happen because our spirit is created from Light, which is not ordinary like sunlight or moonlight. It is created from A Divine Light.
But if we say that Spirit's partner is his Creator, so we are also saying that Spirit and its Creator are opposites. because always two opposite things attract each other. So is Spirit opposite in its nature than its Creator?
Just think about it and please do not hesitate in writing comments. Because it's my only purpose to start this blog, to get answers to these questions!
I'm amazed at how you arrive at the most interesting questions. I would refer you to JAVIDNAMA, where in the opening prayer Iqbal asks the same question to God. Try to read JAVIDNAMA as an a journey in search of answer to this question, and pay special attention to what happens at the end (in Iqbal's meeting with the Creator). I'm sure it'll help you arrive at some answers for yourself :)
A very symbolic post indeed but very interesting,it intrigued me to think logically but i cant find any answer.i opened comments section, if i can find any thing which will explain it, and woww here is Sir Khurram's answer.
i'm going to have my hands on "javiad nama"too!
I'll just like to point out two Qur'anic references that seem relevant to me in this regard: One is in roman Arabic: wa izan nafsu zuwwijat (Sura takvir); translation: and when souls well be wedded again to the bodies; regarding resurrection on judgment day. The other is a phrase that comes at many different places in Qur'an where Adam's origin is being mentioned: wa nafakhtu mir-Roohi; translation: And (after constructing the human body of Adam) I blew into it (some of the characteristics) from My Spirit.
Reminded me of this poem:
God created suffering and heartache, so that joy might be known as their opposite. Hidden things become manifest through their opposites. But God has no opposite; so he remains hidden. Light is known as the opposite of darkness.But God's light had no opposite.Thus we cannot know Him through our eyes.(Rumi)
<- + -> = Something hidden will manifest
Interesting piece... Which poem is this?
Each time I Click REPLY and a shrunken rectangle appears...somewhere a devil wriggles to snub an impulse :D Anyhow no idea where's the poem from...I stole it from a blog myself. Its most probably from Rumi's Masnavi.
Credit goes tooo...
Can anyone guess?
No, not thaaaaat.
Nahh, wrong!!
It goes to
Disqus makes sure the participants resort to brevity for fear of running out of space .
i dont think so the spirit and the Creator are the opposite of each other but spirit is i guess a part of the Creator...the body that is made of clay and which has desires with it is the pair of the spirit as we see that the spirit will always be attracted to its Creator but the body ( the brain and the heart) will always go after the worldly pleasures, this shows both of them are opposite in nature but stay together so that a man can remain a human...if either of it is missing then a man can b an angel or an animal at its worst.
Human is a complex species... Until it starts to see the unseen
Thanks for the input :)