Image taken from here
"If you have learnt to long, by pain
be not distressed-
Secret of love's sorrow must be
never confessed-
Suffering is by the heart caressed,
and there it is preserved."
OK! I got this:
If you are suffering and you have got no one with whom you can share the suffering (or cause of the sorrow), don't worry! You don't need to confess it. Keep it in your heart as there is no place and friend better than your own heart!
Now the part i didn't get is why is he saying that secret of love's sorrow must not be shared with anyone but your heart?
To me, one should share everything with people around you. It helps others and you yourself as well to get better understanding of certain things and experiences.
Sooo... To understand his concept:
1-Your heart here may mean everyone
2-This sorrow may be of different type, may be it is "flipped"... err... opposite i mean. By sharing sorrow, you feel good, but in this case, you may feel better by "not sharing" it.
3-Protect this suffering. It may be an asset!
These are still "may-s".
Are these true? What do you people think?
Ahm, rIZ, you have put a reflection on this stanza very well.
I personally think that the sorrow in this stanza has been specified as the sorrow of the Love, so this sorrow can only be kept in heart no better place can be better than heart to keep the sorrow of Love inside us like a precious drop of dew and inside the shell of the heart it converts into a pearl, so its worth it.
Wow, what a perfect reply by Urooj
Thanks for typing your thoughts Urooj. :)
ok so it's confirmed that it should be kept in your next question, what is sorrow of love?
According to Bhitai, nobody is going to answer this question (it shouldn't be shared), So how i(reader) is going to know about that sorrow?
1-it may be already present in me(reader's heart), i(reader) may have to discover it only.
2-Bhitai himself may throw some light in coming stanzas
koi to chahye hoga na bandwagon/frequency pe laane k lye :D
Ofcourse Sir! She knows a lot about love... Errr... lovology i must say :p :p
Sssooo I was expecting her to comment. Hehe
And you multiplied the credibility and affirmation of her comment(and this post) exponentially Sir. :)
It's all about experiencing a sorrow, the pain the ecstasy, desperate restlessness, a trance, a grief so deep that it pierces your heart, freezes your mind and upgrades you to a spiritual level. and then you don't ask questions like these, simply because you don't have to.
You have to experience these deep levels of grief in order to unveil the secret of God which lies in each and every verse of all Sufi poets.
Thanks for reading the post Zaofishan. :)
hmmm yes you are right. So we have to experience a sorrow first. So this sorrow will eventually come to us, right? and we have to wait for this sorrow.
hmm... nice. thanks again