Image edited by me. Original can be found here
"To guard and to preserve the head,
the lover's business is not this---
One of beloved's glance is worth
so many hundreds head of his---
Flesh, skin and bone, and all there is ,
the 'least ' of loved-one , equals not."
The last stanza of first chapter "Sur Kalyan (Peace)" is a true representation of intensity of Love.
To make it a bit easy for my fellow readers, it says:
"Lover's task is not to preserve and protect his head but to have that "glance" of his beloved. The worth of that glance is incomparable. It has more attraction and peace than guarding your head; heads which are so common in this world. What do you have?! Flesh? Skin? Bones? These are not comparable to what your beloved has"
The intriguing point is that Bhitai has compared a tiny particle with the huge desert and the difference in these two variables is in terms of Power and Love. How?
It is not flesh, skin and bone of yours, these are "nothing" for your beloved! [read: Power]
The glance.... it is incomparable... it attracts... it calls... [read: Love]
One more thing I heard while reading this is that a Genuine Lover is similar, yet different from others...
It's really nice to see this chapter coming to the end. If you want to read the full chapter, go to
Home > Shah Jo Risalo > Chapter 1 - Peace or click "Read full chapter" at the bottom.
What are your opinions about this chapter? Why it is named as "Peace"? Comments are welcomed here as well as the Chapter's comment section
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